

Lawmakers yesterday reached agreement that the legislative review of pension reform proposals will begin on April 19 — but only after a cross-caucus negotiation and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus’ “occupation” of the legislative speaker’s podium.


READY FOR ACTION: DPP lawmakers arrived early in anticipation that KMT lawmakers would occupy the民間借款利率 speaker’s podium, but the KMT caucus said it never planned to do so

DPP lawmakers early yesterday morning rushed to occupy the podium to forestall their KMT colleagues from trying to do the same to 青年首次購屋優惠房貸2017條件stop the proposals from being sent to committees.

By Alis小額借款利息on Hsiao / Staff reporter

However, DPP caucus convener Ker小額信貸10萬各銀行信用貸款利率比較 Chien-ming (柯建銘) said it was the KMT’s own fault that its proposal was not yet ready.線上申請貸款

Lee said the DPP group had arrived early to stop the 台北市借款KMT caucus from occupying the podium.

“I wonder why the DPP 青年創業貸款率條件2017青年安心成家購屋貸款新車車貸利率多少was so jittery,” he said.

Many DPP lawmakers were at the door of the legislature’s main chamber by 6am to make sure that they were the first to enter before the start of the 9am meeting, according to a photograph posted on Facebook by DPP Legislator Lee Chun-yi ?a href="https://goo.gl/m4jen1">台中民間貸款ɡ羁X).台中支票借款

The DPP lawmakers stayed at the podium until the meeting started, without any fuss, on schedule, and a cross-caucus negotiation on whether to refer the proposals to committees began at 10am.

KMT caucus c信用不好如何借錢o銀行信貸流程nvener Sufin Siluko (廖國棟), said before the start of the cross-caucus negotiation, that his side had “no plan to occupy the speaker’s podium.”

“I was here at 5:58am and I was the sixth,” DPP Legislator Cheng Yun-peng (鄭運鵬) said.

The KMT had a lot to take into account in drawing up its reform plan, “such as the government’s communication [on the issue] and its attitude and how the millions of people and their families might be affected,” he said.

During the hours-long negotiat台中小額借錢i中國信託車貸利率on, KMT lawmakers first insisted that th台北民間代書e中古車貸利率多少 legislature wait until all versions of pension reform proposals were ready to be referred to the committees so that they could be reviewed together.


A consensus was finally reached to hand the proposals over to the committees yesterday, but the official reviews would not 民間代書金主放款begin until April 19.

整合負債各家銀行利率“We would not block the version propo原住民結婚貸款s小額貸款ptted by the KMT caucus, which could be considered alongside other versions during the 民間代書低利信貸committees’ reviews,” Ker said.整合負債是什麼

The proposals were scheduled to be referred to the relevant legislative committees for review during yester代辦信貸費用day’s floor meeting, but the KMT caucus had up until Wednesday night been calling台北民間借款 for a postponement because it had yet to submit its own reform plan.


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